Archive for August, 2014

No Time Like The Present

August 11, 2014

Now is the time. This is the place. Some things just must be done now.

A person cannot do everything, yet some things cannot be put off. 

#1 Make that list. The day will pass with urgent things occupying the time, while major things get brushed off to another day.  Get all those goals on paper.

#2 Prioritize – Get those must do items done first and then keep plucking away at the list.

#3 Praise yourself – As you see the list is shorter, give yourself a attitude boost with a small celebration. In football, their is a cheer every time the ball is moved down the field, even if it is only 3 yards. Be glad you are moving toward the goal!


Get moving and be thankful for the energy and skills you have to accomplish each task.


This week I bring the motivational program to a corporate group and I am having fun tailoring it to their needs.  I also have 9 shows at a county fair this week so the other side of my business is racing along too.  It is fun to be busy, but the priorities must be discovered and accomplished. 



Go get em!